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Robyn and Michael love to "give back" by doing
workshops at Film and Music Schools.
It's a practical & inspiring course on how to maximize your
creative powers and live successfully as an
independent artist in the music and/or film world.
bbgbbg on setbbg
If you'd like info about workshops just email.


"It's amazing how just two people can radiate so much energy. My meeting with Michael and Robyn was definitely something I'll always remember. Besides being such inspiring people just by their ways, I also learnt a lot of good things from them about the world of showbusiness. I'd wish for everyone to be able to meet with them and gain some of their wisdom."
Music Student, Denmark

"I am one of those students you inspired today at the dffb.
It was great! your performance was inspiring,
......energizing! ...a lot of fun, was just great!"
Film Student, Germany

"It's not everyday that you meet creativity... I had the pleasure of meeting Bright Blue Gorilla...The world is their playground, they're inspired by humor and humanity... they opened my eyes with that attitude and gave me the courage to go my own way. It is very easy to lose your dream. This is why we need artists like BBG. They keep hope alive."
Film Student, Denmark

Bright Blue Gorilla has done
workshops, special events, panels at:

Folk Alliance, Washington D.C., USA
The End of the Pier Int'l Film Festival, Bognor Regis, UK
Warsaw Film Festival, Poland
SMTV Film Festival, Mumbai, India
AFIA Film Festival, Aarhus, Denmark
The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, Denmark
Copenhagen Songwriters Festival Denmark
The European Film College, Ebeltoft, Denmark
Danish Musicians Union Art Lab, Copenhagen, Denmark
Engelsholm School of Art & Music, Denmark
Dutch Pop Academy NPAC, Utrecht, Netherlands
Rock School Dronten, Netherlands
Leiden University Short Film Festival, Netherlands